Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Line eyes or vvvvfl

Okay so I use to be in this group but my pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 8 weeks in June. This is my first cycle since and I thought I saw a vvvfl on test strip I took earlier (8dpo) So I went and bought another test and another vvvfl but it was blue dye so I don’t know if I trust it. I’ve heard ppl get false po...


Negative pregnancy test

Hey! I’m 5 days late for my period, around 19dpo. I have occasional nausea and my breasts feel larger but I’ve tested negative on home tests. When I had my son I tested negative later on and didn’t get a positive until about 6/7 weeks pregnant. Wondering if anyone has tested positive past 19dpo when testing negative...


Am I pregnant

4 days overdue on my period but still testing negative. Has this happened with anyone? If I am not pregnant, why has my period not come. I’m never ever late!


Shadow or line?

Can anyone see the faint line? Been having so many different results with different tests I don’t know what to believe anymore. Have bloods being done at my doctors on Monday so hopefully will have a definitive answer


Faint line but negative digital

I’ve had a faint positive on boots own early detection test and also cheap test but done a clear blue digital and said not pregnant? Could it have been too early. Due on in 3 days.


Wow positive test

I knew I was pregnant. I took a test a few days ago, but it was too early, and it came back negative, but I'm 3 days late for my period, and this is definitely a positive... 9 months pp


Not showing HCG levels

So I went to do my pre check where the doc essentially just confirms your prego like you can’t figure that out yourself lol🤦‍♀️. But I expected to see what my hcg levels were from the blood work they did and MyChart doesn’t show any hcg levels and all the results are definitely back. Anyone else have this or is…


Does this look positive?

I’m one day until my expected period



Is anyone else rd negative and baby positive?? This is my second and was told I would have anti d injections this time round as I am rhesus - and baby is rhesus + I’m quite worried does this change anything? Is anyone else in the same situation?


Very dark early on.

Hey everyone. I was just wondering if anyone has ever had test be so dark before a missed cycle. My period isn’t technically missed until Thursday and I’m only 4 weeks.


Am I hallucinating?

Are these positive? I’m 10DPO and had cramping Sunday and some super light pink spotting yesterday AM. The lines looked extremely light to me. Thoughts?!


How long should I wait to go to GP?

So I’m on cycle day 34. I was due last week, I’m usually 28/29 days and regular. I’ve never missed a period unless I was pregnant. I’m 7 months PP. been having PMS 10 days before my period was supposed to start, I’ve taken 3 tests within the last 3 days and all first thing in the morning. All came out negative - th...


QQ for mummas of multiples!

According to date of my last period starting I should be only 2 weeks and 2 days pregnant (I do have short cycles, 21-24 days), however I have taken 3 clear blue how many weeks tests yesterday and today and they all say 2-3 weeks pregnant, which means it’s saying I’m 4-5 weeks pregnant in real terms?! I know my last...


Anyone else?

I’ve taken 5 pregnancy tests the past 2 days all showing strong positive, and the digital is 1-2 weeks. I’ve had brownish blood spotting since Friday which I assumed to be implantation. However it’s not stopping, still spotting 4 days later and some is a bit redder but still light. Anyone else, I don’t know know if ...


Help! Why is my test at 9 weeks so light

So I know this was really stupid. And I don't know what made me do it. But I just did a test at 9+2. I hadn't tested since 5 weeks My 5 week test was so much darker than this Is this bad news?? Anyone else had similar and gone on to be OK?


Evap or positive? EBF nearly 3mo PP

Hey. I think I just tested positive but I’m terrified because I’m only 2.5 months postpartum. Does this look positive or like an evap? It was within the time window…..


Is this positive?

I've had 3 miscarriages so scared to get my hopes up. Unsure on dpo due to pcos


Help 😭

Last date I had sex was 7th July. Tested on first day of missed period and was negative so assumed not successful this month. Now 5 days late and testing again. This is within time frame but had the dye just run? Also given the timeframe if it was viable, I would’ve thought I would have been darker 😭 - I’ve had 3…


Still getting fainter lines at 16dpo

I’ve been testing positive since 9dpo. Bloodwork was 9hcg at 10dpo and 22 and 13dpo. My home tests are still fairly faint (or not really faint, just not super crazy dark like I’ve seen others have). This is my first pregnancy and I’m worried that the tests aren’t dye stealers. Anyone else have this? I have read that...


What are we counting these as?

Positive or not? I may have line eyes so not sure. Plus on BC so kinda curious


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