Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Delay periods

2weeks delayed periods … getting negative on pregnanacy strip. What should i do??


Positive or no???

Digital clear blue said not pregnant but inside has 2 lines? (Sorry photo is blurry)



Is this a very faint positive or am I seeing things? I just don’t want to get my hopes up


Pregnancy Test

I did a pregnancy test this morning and when I first looked at it, it appeared negative. I went to work and came home and there is now a faint line! Is this an evaporation line or is it positive? I suffered a loss a couple of months ago, so I don’t know if I am just totally obsessing about being pregnant again!


How do I read my OPKs?

TTC for 3 cycles, and I started using the easy @ home OPK in addition to the ClearBlue digital OPK. Why does the clear blue show test show positive but the easy @ home test show negative? I’ve started to notice the easy at home tests are darker in the afternoon, so are the clear blue tests just more sensitive?


Possible pregnancy ?

I haven't tested yet as it's too far in the day now and I didn't think but my last period was 17th to 21st June. I tested after my period and kept getting negatives but today I've been feeling nauseous all day, bloating has been really bad the last few days. I'll take a test tomorrow morning but my question is Is i...


Yay or nay?

Not sure what to make of this I know clear blue is the worse but it’s blue?


Should I test?

Do you ever feel like God is trying to tell you something. Like for example I was walking and I saw a pregnancy test on the ground and I keep seeing things about women getting positive pregnancy tests. Am I over thinking this or am I just crazy!? I do have some symptoms that could be pregnancy related but I feel li...


Evap Lines or positive?

Never used Clear Blue before but hear they’re notorious for evap lines. When I test it shows negative to start but then I get what I would have thought were clear positives a while later.


Positive or not?

Do I have line eyes or not? My period isn’t technically late yet as my cycle is all over the place since having my first. What prompted the test was my tummy felt “hungover” similar to my first pregnancy


Am I being stupid orrrr?

I just can’t wrap my head around it. I came off of my contraseptive pill literally three weeks ago and tested because I couldn’t work out if I was late for my period or something. I don’t even really know when I did. But is the non digital test, deffo positive also!? Utter shock


Blood type RH D Negative

I’m hoping someone has been through the same experience - I have just found out I’m RH D negative which means if my baby is positive our blood types are incompatible and I will begin to make anti-bodies. It all sounds so scary so I was hoping someone else might have had this too and all been ok? 🤞


Denial lol

As much as I'm trying to be in denial that I'm pregnant 4 months post partum 😂 lol. Is this a dye stealer? The control line is the line on the right.


What does it mean?

Im confused does this means invaild? Should i retest with a blue line one?



I think I seen faint lines I’m not sure .. 2 blue dye and 1 pink dye



I know this brand is unreliable but I’ve done 3 and have pregnancy symptoms so would you say they’re truly positive?!😊


What is going on

Took a pregnancy test May 29th. It was negative. Got my period June 10th-14th. Had sex almost every day since the 13th of June. I am so fucking emotional the last couple days and the worst part is I’m noticing how emotional I am. I can literally cry on demand. But it’s too early for another pregnancy test right? My ...



I feel like a see faint lines ? I took 2 blue dye and 1 pink dye ?


Can you have a line appear outside the little window?

I know I can take another test and I know I shouldn't have opened it, but I find it hard to see on the little windows with all the glare and shadows. I opened my test and there was a line but it was just on the edge of the test window. Is that a thing for the test line to be in the wrong place in error maybe?


Pregnant or not!

I’m 36 and just wondering if this pregnant or should I wait and take another test few days later?


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