Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
Ugh. I’m trying to find a new job. I had an interview last week, I thought it went well. There were some red flags like asking me if I had kids during my interview, or if bc I had kids do I have reliable child care or would I call off alot, and it was a bunch of older women and 2 doctors. I didn’t get the job. Proba...
Is anyone else wanting another baby even though their first isn’t even a year yet ? I don’t know how to explain the feeling it’s like I do but I don’t, I also don’t wanna wait too long if I am going to conceive again…
I feel heart broken knowing every month I have the chance to get pregnant but I’m not💔 Hubby agreed to start trying this spring but I can’t help but feel this sense of sadness and disappointment until then. I’d be ready to start trying now, until then, this is going to be hard
We've been ttc for 15months now, had a chemical in march and a chemical last cycle. I got 2 vvvvvfl today with regular urine not fmu. I really hope it sticks this time. 🙏🙏
Month 5, 2 week wait starts again… let’s go! Anyone else a bundle of nerves around this time of their cycle? I just want my positive to stay positive… I’ve had 2 chemicals since we started trying 😞
Is anyone else about 3dpo today and want to keep updated?! This tww drives us all insane haha
The wait is so long so we would like to TTC before... But at the same time I'm nervous!
We have two boys, one 2 and the other 12 weeks. We were over the moon when we found out we were having another boy, however there was a small part of us that said it would have been lovely to have a girl however, it didn’t really bother us, just happy to have another healthy baby. After our son was born, we were ...
Hey everyone! I’m planning on starting to TTC in January when my son is 6months old. Anyone else crazy like me? I miss pregnancy and birth so much I want it again ASAP!! 😭😭
So we originally had our now 8 week old on Kendamil original, she was showing signs of colic & so we switched to Kendamil comfort she is a completely different baby and has been for weeks now.. I have looked for what feels like all the ends of the earth to find it, it’s out of stock everywhere we have 2 tins of Ke...
Anyone finding second baby more difficult? I don't know whether it's because I had more time to do things and get out easier with my first. But the second baby seems harder to settle and more demanding! Anyone else?
Not me telling my husband I want another baby in a couple of years (trying for a baby girl) after I’ve been complaining about literally everything lmao. I know I’m delusional 🤣🫣 don’t judge me
I’m 3dpo now, due to test post ovulation induction trigger on 17/18th if no AF. Anyone else due around that time? Come go insane with me 🤣
I am so terrified that this pregnancy is not going to last. I had my first beta on 9dp5dt thinking the cycle had failed, but my beta came back at 6 (super low). Then on 11dp5dt it came back at 22 (3.6x higher) and my clinic told me to be cautiously optimistic. The last easy at home was this morning, the one above it...
I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited to start my period 🤪😅 We are OFFICIALLY ttc baby #2. And I put an emphasis on the officially because I just recently had a surgery that hopefully cured my infertility 🙌🏻 We won’t know until we officially try but it’s so exciting to be this hopeful. It took us 4 years…
Anyone else still dealing with PPA?? Mine is raging and I start feeling tingling in my body. It’s alarming so I wanted to see if anyone else has dealt with it?
Anyone else struggling? It hit me in waves with my first but with my second it's like every night. One night it got bad and I thought I was having heart problems. I used to never be anxious about anything. My 10 month old took a little tumble at the park, not even a bruise but I'm now in bed all but panicking abou...
My husband and I are going back and forth on when to try for another. My baby will be 1 on January 10th. I can’t decide if I want to get it over with since we just want 2 or wait until my baby is 3…. Any advice?
Started TTC baby number 2 this month, and I’m feeling all the feelings. I have irregular cycles lasting 30-40 days on average. I’m on cycle day 20 now so I’m worried maybe I missed it or something.
Starting my two week wait:) This is my 3rd cycle ttc, the last 2 I didn't test, just waited for my period to come. I plan on doing that again. If I were to miss my period, I think I'd want to skip the tests still. Something about being in the mystery and getting to tune into my body feels like exactly what I'd need ...