We have the same schedule at you. Bedtime was 9:30, but I’m trying to move it closer it 8:30
Our girl usually wakes up between 6:30-7, naps from 12-2/3, then goes to bed around 7:30/8.
My little girl wakes up around 9:30-10a, naps around 2:00-4:00 and then bed no earlier than midnight usually 12:01-12:04am😫 I cannot break it no matter how hard I try and I get so much criticism for it
9am waketime, 10pm bedtime, naps for almost 2 hours around 3pm.
She’s up by 6:30am, nap around 12:30/1, bed by 9:30pm
My LO barely naps. We are on a night shift bc of my husband’s job: wake 10-11:30am and if she naps it’s around 5 or 6pm but that’s rare. She stays up until 11:30pm & sometimes 1am. She had a few regressions where she won’t sleep more than 6 hours at night though & took naps those days. She has a full sized bed but wants me next to her to sleep at night & goes in our room to sleep if she wakes up and wants mom & dad still.
My daughter sleeps 7 pm. - 6 ish am No naps! If she naps she won’t go down until 11 ish Does still occasionally wake up in the night too! She’s never been a great sleeper! X
my son just weaned from breastfeeding so he no longer wants to take naps😵💫 so he’s been going to bed about 7:30-7 or 8 in the morning no nap lol hoping he starts taking them again soon