Ectopic Miscarriage

Hi all, very new on here as I have just suffered this past week with the news of an ectopic pregnancy on my right side. So far it doesn’t look like I’ll have to need surgery or methotrexate as my HCG Levels have been going down, and I’m fairly sure I passed the pregnancy yesterday… (I have a photo but obviously quite gruesome - it looks like a big clot with lots of tissue - about the size of an acorn) and I have been bleeding quite a bit today… My question is for tracking purposes as I’m really hopeful of TTC as soon as possible is would i count this current bleed as a period on tracking apps like Flo or is it simply just the miscarriage and I would start tracking once my levels go down to 0
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Technically this can count as a period but kind of just depends on your body. Make note of the date, but focus more on tracking your LH levels to know when you ovulate next. If you have an LH spike before your next period then count this as your last period. Otherwise you’ll just reset with your next period. Timing of your next period can be all over the place. I had one that started like ten days after a chemical pregnancy but some can be much longer

Sending you healing vibes. Thank you for sharing your story

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