Message me xx I promise it will get better
I was right where you are back then. Just start small I found asking for help for night feeds/wakes from my hubby helped as I felt more human when I had a bit more sleep Just start small. Don't try and explain everything. Just one thing at a time and it will start to improve
I felt the same way, I'm now 6 mo pp and it's still rough have bpd and bipolar. It'll get better though mama! Lean into things that make you feel like you again, do you have family support? Or a partner who's supportive? If so ask for a break for some "me" time and go out and get some fresh air get around other people for a few hours grab a coffee or tea and sit with yourself and breathe. Trust me it's never too early to start some self care regimen praying you start feeling better 💕
I’m sorry you’re feeling that way mama! You’re not alone, reach out for help. If you don’t have anyone to talk to msg me. It’ll be okay.