@Melissa i am trying, thank u for ur positive words. Honestly like i said its just shit luck. Yes im here, yes im grateful but that still doesnt change the circjmstances. I wish things would hsve gone different. I prayed to not have to go through this so i dont understand y i was still dealt this hand. My body feels completely destroyed after 2 cs and i just want cuddles from either one of my boys and i cant rn.
My first born had the light therapy for 5 days after a traumatic birth, it’s so hard but you’ve got this! You’re pumping for your baby and giving them everything you can right now, you’re doing amazing! If it’s the sleeping bag style light therapy then you can still pick them up and have a cuddle!
@Tahirah I understand. I’m hoping for a VBAC as well. My first pregnancy was the worst time of my life and ended in a C-section followed by a 4hr operation. We don’t know why we go through these challenges but it’s all about how we respond to them. It might not feel like it now but your body will recover. Just take your time and focus on your mental health. Rant all you need to, to get all the negative feelings out. Let it go so you have room for all the positivity and love for your little ones 💛
@Abi yes my 1st also hsd it so i knew the signs and was concerned from day 1...well hes being treated now thats all that matters but no im unable to hold him or anything as he has the highest dose and is all hooked up and kept in an incubator. Hoping today they will have seen improvementd to the point where hid treatment time can be reduced and i can squeeze in a few cuddles here and there
@Melissa its hard but i really pray u get ur vbac. In my case it was just an unfortunate turn of events. My body progressed really well and really quick and i know if he hadnt suffered the scary dips in oxygen after inhaling meconium it would hsve been successful (so basicslly the problem was him not me). Trust in your body, trust in god and u'll be ok. Thank u for your words of positivity. I agree the toll to my body is nothing compared to what im dealing with mrntally so thank you❤️
@Tahirah I know how hard it is - hoping things improve quickly! Thinking of you❤️
So sorry to hear this! Try to remain as strong and optimistic as possible 🙏🏾 You’ve got this. The rainbow WILL come out after this storm you’re both going through and you’ll be blessed with endless cuddles. 💛