We got the babymoov steamer and blender - was recommended by another mum, supposedly lasted a long time for her! https://babymoov.co.uk/products/nutribaby-white-baby-food-prep-maker-with-15-reusable-food-pouches-bundle?_gl=1*1wg8lfg*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4Oe4BhCcARIsADQ0cskDU8v7kEE19CHo9ZSnyKP485LiydfxWaKMpCsl9jprQVvr9KbN5BgaAu1yEALw_wcB&gbraid=0AAAAADbnAmQ_aVFmSpG9PRjOwGmRb7RGf
@Salma we have the same one. Was going to try and use it tomorrow, see how it goes
We’ve not got a blender and steamer in one but we got a nutribullet (just the normal one not the baby one) in the prime deals and I’ve pureed 5 vegs for her and got them in the freezer so far and it’s really good! Although baby girl does hate the noise hahaha 😂 but I’m sure she would be the same with any blender Also I’ve been doing exactly what @anon said too with regards to washing, blending soap and water then just rinsing/ wiping whatever it leaves which is usually just a bit around where they screw together 😊