Baby due out tonight 34 weeks

I know it's because I'm so tired, and that this has been a long journey but I feel like I'm having a breakdown. They're suggesting baby may have to stay for days or weeks here after she's born. I can't do it, I just want to go home. Am I a bad mother?
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It’s very scary having your baby early. At 34 weeks, hopefully baby will be born happy and healthy with no issues other than finding their way in the world! We had to stay in until baby was 35 weeks minimum, so I would expect to stay for a few days as a minimum. You may feel different when baby is born, but if you don’t, talk to your midwife / medical team about potentially going home if that’s what you want / need to do. They will be able to give you the best guidance. Wishing you all the best x

I get that feeling. My baby was born at 26 weeks and by the time we hit week 5/6 I was so done with the hospital and just needed home, my comforts and my routine. We ended up being discharged at 36 weeks

My little one is 2 weeks old now, he was born at 34+1 as scary as it is they are generally okay to come out then, my little one was out of nicu by day 2 and we had a 7 day stay in hospital to make sure his weight went up, the midwives and health visitors will give you extra appointments at home to monitor you and baby but honestly it’s not as scary as it seems x

Thanks for the comments everyone. Baby is out and making advances, already not needing air but still in the incubator and needing some glucose. Just want to go home with her as soon as she's safe to

Congratulations!! Give her time, she’ll get there and you’ll get her home! X

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