I had an emergency c section too and I also didn’t feel a connection with my baby for that first month or so. It felt like she was just a baby we picked up from the nursery and now it was my responsibility to take care of her lol Give yourself a break. Being a new mom is hard enough. Don’t dwell on the past, it robs you from enjoying today. Take all the pictures and videos to capture those little moments forever 🤍
Ppd is a real thing and there is no shame in going through what you went through. You are enjoying him now and that's what's important. Try to block those videos if they trigger you in a negative way.
You’re not a horrible mom at all!! Those feelings are completely understandable and normal ❤️ Especially with your first baby, there’s such a huge learning curve too, on top of the other things you mentioned. Your chance to bond in right now 😊
What you went through must have been really hard for you.. you must give yourself some grace and not feel guilt. You are nothing but an amazing mom and your healthy baby loves you ❤️