If you have the option of part time work, I found that to be the best of both worlds. I work three days a week in which I can go for a run at lunch, hang out with friends at work, focus on something intellectually stimulating, and I’m with my son four days a week, two of which just the two of us when my husband works. That gives me the option to be there where he changes and not miss anything. I realize this is a very lucky position but if you do have the chance, at least of a gradual return, it’s great. Don’t forget that you have the legal right to request flexible work as a parent.
Thank you mamas it will be 4 days I wish it was less but we need my pay 😔 I wish I could afford to have 1 more year as a career break
Yep, it’s exactly how I feel. My husband I know is only trying to make me feel better by trying to tell me to focus on the positive things. But I see zero positives really. He was talking to my mom about it and she said “it’ll be good for me to get part of my identity back,” but that’s just not how I feel at all. I don’t want my job to be my identity, I have changed as a person and that’s not a bad thing at all. My identity as a mum is important and amazing!