I was booked in to have a sweep last week before I was induced on the 16th. It didn’t work but that was purely down to the fact that my cervix was still slightly too high up. I’ve heard stories saying they work and some that they don’t. I think it’s down to each individual. ☺️
I went for one on the Wednesday morning and I went in to labour at 5am on the Thursday morning and he was born by lunchtime! My first was much the same sweep on the Friday lost my plug on the Sunday and went in to labour on the Monday. X
I had one yesterday at 3pm at 39+1. Had some cramping and mild dull backache, I lost my plug today at lunch. Could be something could be nothing 🤷🏻♀️ As for the sweep itself, I read loads of people's experiences and was ready to expect the worst, I can honestly say it wasn't too bad for me. It didn't hurt, it was uncomfortable, pulling and tugging kind of feeling. A bit longer than a smear, I'd probably say less uncomfortable than a smear because of the speculum they use for that. X
40+4 had a sweep done yesterday at 4pm, now loosing my mucus plug with every trip to the bathroom for a wee, I’m just being hopeful that this means something, otherwise I’ll opt in for another in a few days.
Had one this morning, hoping it works Had 2 with my first son and they didn't work