@Csilla yeah I realized it wore off once I woke up 🥲 but I was asking if when you get it did it work right away or did you still feel minor pain
Shouldnt be pain. But pressure is normal.
@Nema that’s what I expected to feel like but the doctors told me it was normal to still feel slight pain
I was about 6cm dilated it worked right away for me and the pain was dull. After a few hours mine wore off and luckily the anesthesiologist gave me another dose… then started pushing.. Also added the drip.. which that didn’t help too much. Ended with a C-section 😩☹️
Yes I had the little button. I was feeling pain the whole time though 😑
My epidural didn’t work after and finally after an hour and a half the doctor put more medicine into the epidural tube, not sure what it was he said he could only put alittle bit because it was stronger. After that I felt nothing, thank god because I was miserable at first. My legs were numb but all my contractions were still there, I even cried they hurt so bad.
My epidural didn’t work at all and it was too late to try another dose. I felt everything for the 2 hours I was in labor
I had an epidural with my second that didn’t work. Had minimal short term pain relief and then inevitably I felt EVERYTHING. Sounds like that’s what happened to you. It was so painful I won’t be allowing any residents to administer this time.
@Ericka 🥴🤣 WHAAAAT?! This is misleading and fear mongering… all but 2 women I know have had epidural births when delivering vaginally and the emergency c sections I know of had to do with other factors. Further I regularly review medical records professionally, for malpractice cases etc. this is patently false. There’s so many other reasons. Blood pressure, heart rate, breeches, etc. I implore people not to just take the word of people on this app. Sheesh.
@Ericka girl stfu I didn’t ask info about the epidural I asked about other women’s experiences I already got injected so your comment is pointless
@Ericka I understand but I’m pretty sure women have done their research before giving birth whether they want a natural birth, epidural, home birth, or c section I wanted a natural birth but I was in so much pain I ended up wanting the epidural and I have no regrets my baby and I are good and healthy
@Ericka now name calling is not very nice but I see you’re showing clearly how low class you are and while I could read your ass for filth ima let it rock cause you clearly have time and misery I don’t to expend. Least you could do is spell it out like a big girl. You made a comment I commented back. And as OP said, your point wasn’t even what she was asking for she very clearly was asking those who have. But I’m glad your vagina is made of steel and it didn’t hurt for you, but obviously comments do 😆 enjoy ya life and I hope you get better!
I stopped reading the comments after the first few😅 just speaking from my experience, I was on cloud 9! After getting an epidural, for like 10 hours until I was 19 cm, I felt amazing. Didn’t feel a thing, was watching an office marathon, and my husband was exceeding me ice chips! It was truly great. Didn’t feel any pain pushing either, just pressure. I felt the contractions enough to know when to push. Just got super tried because I pushed for a long time, like 3.5 hours and my baby was 10.5 lbs. I truly had a great experience with the epidural overall and would 100% get it again.
@Ericka I’m bored but you wrote a novel and keep tagging me girly pop! 🥴🤣 mmkay! I’ll get right on that
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@Nema girl same and the pushing and feeling ABSOLUTELY nothing come out was even crazier 😂😂
Im so sorry you asked for our experiences and ended up getting so much hate in responses. I feel sorry for the girl on here commenting about unnecessary opinions on something she is clearly misinformed and scaring other mothers. I honestly never expected to read such hateful comments on a post. In my experience I was in labor for 3 days and couldn’t take the pain anymore I got an epidural and had my daughter. She’s healthy as can be and growing so fast. I unfortunately have a condition that affected how the epidural worked for me. I was able to feel the contractions and pushing was very hard. I made it through after being exhausted and finally my daughter was born. I couldn’t be happier and I wouldn’t change a thing. The way my baby girl was delivered was my choice and I’m proud that I was able to have a baby since I had cervical cancer and wasn’t sure I could even have babies. You are a very strong mama and I give any mom props for going through labor with or without an epidural.
@Ericka I have the right to disagree with your comments. Only one person here has made personal insults, and that’s you. It’s an open forum. Everything you say isn’t going to be immediately and readily accepted. Like I said, get well soon.
I was in labor for about 2 hrs and I requested a half epidural right before I started pushing so they gave it to me. I really only pushed within 10mins or less and she came out smoothly immediately attached to my nipple lol it was pretty smooth and I did still feel every sensation but I would say the pain was 6/10 but endurable. She’s 11 months old now thriving and has yet to get sick (fingers crossed)🤞🏽. My delivery experience I think went fine and my recovery was a little rough for a couple days and I bounced back pretty quickly. I’m sorry you had a bad experience ☹️
@Erin I couldn’t get another dose bc it was high demand or something like that I had to thug it out 🥲
@Nika yes that’s what I experienced and I took forever to dislate 🥲
@Alyse I didn’t even read her entire comment to each their own 😶 but im happy to hear you have a good experience!
@Courtney I have no regrets getting the epidural I just wish I had a better experience but I’m just happy our babies are safe and we give props to all mamas ❤️ and I’m happy you were able to experience and got blessed with baby despite your situation and I wish you and your family the best!
@Brittany yes my recovery was a little rough but went by quick. As long as our babies are good and healthy and so are we 🫶🏼
At least you and baby made it through but what an experience! Also, my apologies for the drama in the comments. You asked for experience and I just couldn’t abide such a sweeping wild statement!
I felt them when I was 8 cm
Yes I felt the contractions and just the sensation was not as intense. I had a basal rate running and I could push for additional dose if I wanted but I was told I could do it every 20 mins and one time I pushed for it, nothing came and it got locked out. I asked the nurses why they couldn’t tell me and just said the machine was programmed however way it worked. I didn’t have terrible pain so I just endured it for another 20-40 mins before the machine was responsive to my push again… sorry your experience with epidural was not relieving :/
It isn't supposed to wear off as it's dripping continuously. I was on epi for almost a day.