It can take a few days for your mature milk to come in. Usually around day 3-4. Do you have colostrum? Or you’re just dry completely?
@Justine I was able to get colostrum in super small amounts. Now, it’s not even enough to drip down through a pump to collect. 😭
Try to eat fresh bread, doughnuts or drink a little beer the yeast will help bring your milk supply in or at least that helped me.
Your output with a pump won’t accurately tell you how much you’re producing. There’s lot of factors that can make it inefficient at removing milk (flange size, stimulation, pump strength, etc…) so focus on baby and reading their cues. Always put baby to breast, at least every 2-3 hours to help send signals to your body you need the milk. Are you working with a lactation consultant? If not I would definitely recommend calling around locally to find one near you. They were really helpful in my bf journey.
It can take 4 days 🍀
It can take a few days. Just keep patching and pumping! The more you latch the more hormones your body will be triggered to release to promote your supply!