How would you sort this?

My SIL is on baby number 2. She never BF either of her children (totally fine!) I EBF my son, who is my first. He’s a bad sleeper and both of her children are good sleepers. Every time we meet, she makes a dig about how because my baby is EBF, that’s why he doesn’t sleep. Yesterday, she told me her 10 week old still get up in the middle of the night. I said ‘oh don’t worry, my 11 month old does that same!’ - kind of in solidarity? She replies ‘that’s because you’re still BF so that’s your own fault’ I’m getting pretty sick and tired of hearing this incorrect information every time I see her, but I don’t want to make a big deal about it. How can I nip it in the bud?
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I'd just say I choose what I feel is best for my baby breastfeeding you obviously choose formula but I don't make snide remarks about your choices please respect mine too 🩷

Is there any science you can use to back it up? As in ‘well the NHS guidance is xyz so I’m confident that BF isn’t the cause, all babies are different as I’m sure you know. I know that you don’t like BF but I love it and will continue to do it, thanks’ Or, just avoid the topic with her! If she brings it up just change the subject!

Honestly, I’ve become a happier person now that I stop talking to people about sleep with people I know aren’t going to say anything helpful or supportive. My mom told me a few months ago I needed to stop breastfeeding so that he would sleep and I told her that wasn’t something I was willing to do and not to suggest it again, laying down a firm boundary. I have never made any comment to people I know that choose to formula feed, as it is so personal and individual choice, but I’ve had so many snide comments about ‘still’ breastfeeding, especially when it comes to sleep. So, you aren’t alone in that ❤️

Sorry she used your kind remark as a chance to take a dig, that’s annoying and hurtful :/ I’d agree with @Emily on this. She clearly has a strongly held view on breastfeeding and it’s not up to you to change that so maybe the easiest way to avoid the remarks is to avoid the topics, like sleep, where she tends to have something negative to say.

Sorry, but it sounds like your sister is very ignorant to breastfeeding. I did breastfeed for 2 months, I moved to formula for various reasons and it made zero difference to sleep. Sleep is developmental, it relies on babies temperament a lot of the time too. Breastfeeding is HARD, beautiful and one of the most incredible bonds with our babes. I have nothing but utter respect for any woman who can do it, and do it is as long as you are is completely amazing. I ignore any conversation about sleep now and I also answer “yes, fine” when I’m asked “is she sleeping well?”. 🤣 I have a complete FOMO babe and I’m fine with that. I’d politely shut down any conversations for your own sanity. You are doing amazing. ❤️

@Kerry Kearns this is what is so upsetting! I never make remarks about her formula feeding her baby, I am so non-judgemental when it comes to that. It’s really hard to receive it back.

@Sarah annoyingly, I don’t think there’s a study. I think it’s just thought that BF baby’s wake in the night more. I just can’t see me taking my baby to a medical professional and saying he wakes in the night and them telling me to stop breastfeeding!

@Emily how upsetting are the snide comments! I feel like when we breastfeed we can’t utter the words ‘breast is best’ (not that I believe that at all) but sometimes I feel when you’re BF you’re not allowed to be proud of it and you have to keep your efforts to yourself otherwise it seems like you’re bragging.

@Stephanie thank you! She really does have a strong view on BF and she is so anti it. She’s proud that her second baby didn’t even get colostrum from her or touch her nipple, which is fine, but odd to brag about to an EBF mum?

@Amy thank you so much! I think she is very ignorant. I think she views it in such a negative light which I don’t understand.

My baby has just turned one and is formula fed and always has been, he still gets up at least once in the night got a bottle. Nothing to do with how the baby is fed, every baby is different. Ignore her ignorance 🙃

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