Am I reading into this too deeply?

Over the past five years my in-laws have been unbearable. MIL has a way of making me feel like crap and minimise peoples feelings to make them feel small. I’m 12 weeks pp and been conscience on how I feed my LO (we had latch issues so we use combination of ebm/formula). Over the years I’ve been trigger by what they say and the latest one was weird. My LO cries every now and again in her sleep. I said to MIL sometimes she does that probably a nightmare. I said idk what she dreams about and jokingly said make a bottle rolled away and MIL said to my LO (while she was still sleeping) ‘did your mum take away you bottle?’ Idk why this is triggering? I’ve been struggling with milk supply and pumping. Her comment made me feel like I’m an inadequate mum. She’s said to me “how can my mother raise such a rude girl like me” a few years ago, when I didn’t do anything.
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My LG was crying one day, she was only a few months old at the time and my MIL said ‘aww is mummy hitting you?’ I’ve never been so angry in my life like how dare you say that and she just responded that it was a ‘joke’ - not something to joke about at all. Now her daughter shouts and slaps her little one because she gets ‘frustrated’ when he doesn’t listen and my MIL doesn’t know where to put her face when we’re all sat there because she knows what I’m thinking deep down. True believer of karma over here so bite your tongue and bide your time and she’ll soon regret these little comments that she says to you.

I could have written this. I'm really sorry you've not had the feeding journey you wished for. I also combi feed and pump my milk due to latch issues. I've been very sensitive about this, especially around my MIL who successfully breastfed both her boys, insists low supply is not a thing and often makes comments about me pumping. Unfortunately, her behaviour may likely not change. With this in mind remember: - Even a teaspoon of breastmilk contains thousands of antibodies and white blood cells so you're doing amazing things. - Breastfeeding doesn't always work for everyone and it's really common people can't do it despite trying their hardest. People can be quite secretive about combi feeding which can make you feel quite alone. I only found out recently that both my aunties combi fed. I hope you can begin to feel more proud and confident in motherhood and as a result, your MILS thoughtless comments start to effect you less xxx

@Meena so sorry you have to go through that, in-laws can be unnecessarily cruel. Also sounds like my SIL if I say anything that she has said in the past I was labelled as ‘rude’. I’ve been holding back saying anything. I feel so done.

@Eppie thanks for your reply and giving me positive encouragement. Sorry you’re going through a similar situation, it’s pretty crap. My MIL likes to say to me ‘you look tired’ and doesn’t provide any support. So really unnecessary and thoughtless.

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