Back pain

Hi all! I am on my 5th day of breastfeeding journey and everything is good so far except that my back is already killing me. Does anyone has any tips on how to avoid this? Thank you ♥️
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Honestly the only thing that helped me was loads of pillows 😂 and while you're not feeding a back posture corrector, takes so much pressure off the back

Use pillows, try different positions and fix your posture. Bring the baby to your boob, don’t bend to feed.

Do some back stretches before and after feeding. Your breasts are heavier, and your posture is changing to accommodate them and breastfeeding. Roll a towel and place it at the bottom on your back when you're seating and relax your shoulders and lean back.

Also like if it's too much, try breastfeeding, lying down Here's a guide

Nursing pillow. This tells me you are not comfortable. Get comfy while nursing. Like you could fall asleep. Then your milk will really flow.

Make sure baby is curled against your body while you nurse. Don't dangle boob towards baby.

The side lying position has definitely saved me before.

Comfy pillows behind you at an angle so your laid back. I lie on the couch legs up and lay back into the cushions baby’s weight is on me rather than me holding her if that makes sense

Thank you ladies, will try this tips 🥰

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