My daughter has been saying she’s really tired a lot lately too and she is always yawning in the day. She goes to bed 7-7 but does wake earlier some days. No reason for her to be tired so maybe it’s a growth spurt?
Our daughter stopped her naps probably last Christmas. She has been fine up until the last month, she seems to be more tired in the afternoons and is super groggy 😬
Phew thanks guys. He’s also been saying he’s hungry constantly but he hasn’t been eating his proper meals. Only snacks bits through the day which I’m trying to keep as healthy as possible. E.g back to buying baby oaty bars/ crisps and offering fruit. He’s also been sleeping 7:30pm -7am so also no reason for him to be tired. He usually starts mentioning it around 11am and has been napping around 1pm ish for an hour or more!! Hoping it’s just a growth spurt xx
The hunger thing drives me crazy 😂 our daughter has been complaining she’s hungry for months! Even after a big healthy breakfast 😬 think it’s just a phase 🤞x
I know it’s Christmas etc but he’s had no later nights or excess sugar etc