when does it get better?

people keep saying it gets better, but when? i’m 8 years in 3 kids.. and it’s not getting better. i honestly don’t like being a mom anymore. i’ve literally lost my entire identity being a mom. i feel like idk myself anymore. i’m depressed. i’m sad. i’m unhappy. i want to give up. i wish i could go back in time, if i knew this would be life i wouldn’t have had kids. i never felt so lost before in my life. no one understands me. i feel unloved. i feel ugly. i feel helpless. idk what else to do. i been crying out for help and i just feel it getting super dark. i’m trying to stay here for the kids but now that’s not even making me want to continue. if anything it’s 3 more reasons i feel like im not good enough and would be better off gone.
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I'm so sorry your feeling this way. I think you should reach out for counciling .

You are so not alone a lot of moms lose a part of themselves but we build on it and make new parts to enjoy. I also agree with the first comment though talk to your doctor and see if they could put you on some antidepressants for the time being until you can get into counseling. It’s okay to breathe and take everything one step at a time 🫶

Definitely, go and talk to a psychiatrist and therapist. I want to make sure you understand that it’s okay to feel like you miss your life before hand, but if you genuinely are just done with being mom… get help before you hurt your kids or yourself. Rather you go admit to someone you hate being a parent than to hurt the kids that love you. I can guarantee you if you hurt self they won’t think “I’m so glad she’s gone” they wont understand that you were struggling mentally. I have and still work with kids, one of which whose parent did take their own life. That child was constantly struggling, was quick to blame themselves for stuff and had abandonment issues on top. They wonder “why wasn’t I enough”

Get some help friend, I had bad PPD and PPA with my first baby. I begged my husband and my mom not to leave me alone with her. I told my OBGYN immediately and they referred me out to a psychiatrist and therapist. I started medication the same day I talked to my OBGYN, they gave it to me “for the meantime” because they didn’t want me to hurt myself or my baby. It was literally the best decision ever! I felt a difference a month or so after. Just the talking about it helped me get through that month tbh. They gave me a bunch of techniques like going to walks or getting out of the house… taking a bath, doing at home spa day and stuff and they worked🤷🏽‍♀️ they also said to make sure to get myself a new outfit and get all done up and go on a date night or just take yourself out. To help “find myself”.

I still have those days sometimes where I feel so miserable ugly fat unwanted but I honestly sit and really think deeply those kids are obsessed with me won’t leave tf alone cause they love me so much im there fav person. When they are hungry sad happy they come look for mama cause we are so important to them and we are worthy for them. God does everything for a reason he knew you are strong and capable for this life mama I hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹 message me if you need to talk to someone

@Adrianna you’re absolutely right ! , I was having a mental breakdown on Christmas Eve that I ran to the bathroom left my kids with there dad and took a nice shower I felt 100 times better after !

You sound really depressed. Depression doesn't "get better" on its own, you need to seek professional help, meds and/or therapy. Parenting does get easier. But if you don't prioritise your mental health, it won't.

Im so sorry your feeling this way but your not alone. More ppl understand the way your feeling than talk about it. And talking about it helps. Message me if you like. I’ve been through some shit Raising my first child and the new babies now have a totally different parent. I’d really like to speak with you more to see if I can help. Incase we don’t I’ll give a few things to ponder. Happiness isn’t a thing you suddenly get. (Not true lasting happiness anyway) It’s a practiced pattern of thought. An acceptance, gratitude and appreciation. A faith rather than waiting. Focus on these things first. A bored mind will always unpick happiness. Goals will make you focus on growth and not lack. And will provide opportunities for success. Start small. Get to know yourself and figure out what the new you wants and prioritises. To enjoy what you do you have to have pride in it. To have pride in it you have to be parenting in a way that aligns with your true self. Good luck. Message me. X

@Ella i’m in therapy and on anxiety meds. nothing is working. if anything everyday i feel closer to giving up

You sound depressed though. You need to be on anti depression medication. Talk to your doctor about different meds. You also need practical support. You need child free time to yourself, ideally every day, but if not as many times a week as you can. Do you have a partner? Do you have any supportive family?

@Ella have no support except my partner. and i’m in therapy

Ok so it will have to be him. What hours does he work? When can you carve out time for yourself? Do you currently get ANY recreational time? Time purely for yourself, alone, no kids?

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