Negative self talk

Hey girls! I just wanna say I struggled for 4 years with an eating disorder before I got pregnant, and I’ve been managing to put it to the back of my brain with the thought process that I am growing a life so weight gain is inevitable. But I am now almost 22 weeks, and I feel swollen. I’m struggling with my head? I tried to go to my partner about it, but he told me he doesn’t know what to say to me. I feel I cannot go to my friends or family about this, because I feel like a burden and like I am fishing for compliments. But I am really struggling. I feel like I can’t put on enough clothes, I feel like I don’t want to eat and if I do it needs to be extremely healthy. I just feel swollen and ugly. I can’t look at myself in the mirror. I know I’m growing a life, and I’m so grateful don’t get me wrong, but I cannot seem to shift this line of thinking, I don’t know what I’m looking for, maybe some advice? Kind words? I’m not sure. Just wanted to get this off my chest I suppose 🤍
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First of all, I'm sorry you're feeling this way and have had to deal with it for so long. I've never dealt with an eating disorder but I don't think it's something you can manage on your own easily. Have you tried talking to your midwife or GP? There might be counselling available and it can be really helpful to talk to a professional. Good luck!

I’m going through the same if you ever want to chat :)

@Vit it’s definitely not something you can manage on your own easily, I have medication and I am in constant therapy for this kind of thing but it still won’t shift. It’s something I’ve been battling for a long time, but I’ve never met other people who have experienced similar things, I think maybe that’s what I’m looking for here? I’m not sure. I just feel very alone xx

@Ellie I’ve messaged you doll x

@Robyn it sounds really tough! You're doing great asking for support!

If you can, try and speak to your family and friends, the last thing you will be is a burden, and with regards to “fishing for compliments”, I am sure they will recognise it as quite the opposite. You are going through the biggest life changing event and you need all the support you can get, in whatever form that may be. If you are struggling, reach out to them, they will want to help however they can, that is what family and friends are for. Hope you’re ok xxx

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