It does get easier, I promise. I was exactly the same before I went back to work. I would 100% rather be home with my baby everyday, don’t get me wrong, but it does absolutely get easier. I did feel the exact same way and was so upset with myself for fixating on the negative and “spoiling” my final week with him, but it’s all just normal feelings and it’s important to feel them xx
I’m back at work a week Wednesday and feel exactly the same as you. It’s flown. Exactly the same as Harriet, I feel like our days together when I return will be so much more special and I’m looking forward to getting back into a bit of normal socialisation and using my brain for other things other than milk, sleep, weaning, milestones etc. you got this and your feelings are so so valid. X
I felt the same but it does get so much easier. And makes me appreciate and make the most of our time together more. Also in a way it's started to feel nice as it's getting my independence back somehow but it did take a a few weeks before I could see the positives.
I went back in September and honestly I was dreading it but after a couple of weeks it got easier I was just so busy so didn’t have the time to think about it all and it is the best feeling going home to my little one! It will get easier 100% 💗
I’m back to work on Monday 🥲 sending massive hugs! A new chapter starts, hoping our days off work will feel extra special and fun now.