Same! I’ve tried to do schedules and it just isn’t working for my baby (8 weeks old). She cluster feeds in the early and late evening which makes following any sort of schedule after 5pm impossible. And she never naps as long as these schedules say she should during the day and is hungry sooner than the schedule. We have to go off cues! You’re not alone!
Same here! I have a 6 week old and a 21 month old and have done the same baby-led approach with both. A “routine” organically happens eventually (ie napping roughly around the same time each day) though I’ve never followed a schedule
Yes! My 3 week old is sleeping 4-5hrs (combo feeding) and taking in 4-5oz, sometimes wake windows are 3hrs, so end of the day he is only “feeding” 5/6 times…not 8. But he takes in his full oz throughout the day. He has all the recommended wet and dirty dippers and is gaining weight 🤗
My baby just made 6weeks and I don’t have a schedule yet and I also follow my baby’s cues and try really hard to determine what she needs by her cries! There are some things I can pretty much predict on a day to day basis at this point though and so I’m able to plan accordingly. After 5 pm she wants to cluster feed and is fussier, she likes to be laid down by 7:30 ish , she gets fussy again at 10pm and her longest sleep stretch is from 5am-10am half of the time
1000%. I have a nearly 7 weeks old, She eats when she’s hungry and sleeps when she’s tired, sometimes we have 2 hours + wake windows because she just won’t go down. The only ‘routine’ we have is bath feed and bed but I think that’s more for my sanity ahaha.