
My 7 week old for the past week has been crying non stop for no reason, last night she cried for 5 hours straight and nothing would console her, not even feeding. We’ve tried infacol to see if it would help and it hasn’t, she’s been pale this morning and is just so irritable she’s not sleeping properly. She’ll fall asleep for a few minutes and wake screaming, we’ve been to the doctors but they say nothing is wrong. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I don’t know what to do to help her. She was such a content baby for the first 5/6 weeks, and now it just seems like she’s in pain constantly.
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They go through a huge developmental leap between 6-8 weeks! Lots on Google about it, PURPLE crying etc!

Ive heard of the witching hour, peaks at weeks 6-8 Ive heard a walk in the pram and fresh air really helps! I know its probably late but even 5-10mins before/as it starts may help? My 6WO is starting to get a little fussy in evenings now so found this upon research. Im praying its just a short phase! Also skin to skin whilst bouncing on a birthing ball helped INSTANTLY calm my NB once when he was screaming! Good luck!! 🤞🏽🤞🏽

If she’s gone pale either call 111 or go A&E

Try gripe water, my baby has colic, and we try with infacol but didn't work. Instead, the gripe water helps him a lot.

Oh this sounds so tough ! When nothing seems to console my baby putting her in water seems to help! A calm bath to help calm her down so we can all start fresh again! Or a bit of fresh air! Grab a blanket and walk round the garden 💞

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