Ive heard of the witching hour, peaks at weeks 6-8 Ive heard a walk in the pram and fresh air really helps! I know its probably late but even 5-10mins before/as it starts may help? My 6WO is starting to get a little fussy in evenings now so found this upon research. Im praying its just a short phase! Also skin to skin whilst bouncing on a birthing ball helped INSTANTLY calm my NB once when he was screaming! Good luck!! 🤞🏽🤞🏽
If she’s gone pale either call 111 or go A&E
Try gripe water, my baby has colic, and we try with infacol but didn't work. Instead, the gripe water helps him a lot.
Oh this sounds so tough ! When nothing seems to console my baby putting her in water seems to help! A calm bath to help calm her down so we can all start fresh again! Or a bit of fresh air! Grab a blanket and walk round the garden 💞
They go through a huge developmental leap between 6-8 weeks! Lots on Google about it, PURPLE crying etc!