I found gently stroking my little girls head from back to front would make her arms stop flapping about and eventually settle her into sleep
I have to swaddle mine cos he arms are just crazy it either keeps him awake or he wakes himself up. I just use a blanket. Obviously keep a close eye on him as he can roll but just helps him go to sleep or stay asleep xxx
I think I heard long ago the nest wasn’t as safe as a crib/cot but that could have just been a newborn thing and you know what works for you best. I have to wait for my lg to be asleep before I even think about transferring her, make sure his arms are flappy and he’s asleep but then when putting down try from putting down his bum first, then his back then his head last (if you haven’t already). I was told this a while ago and works for my lg really well, so she’s not fully laid down all at the once if that makes sense. Have also heard if you put bum down first then lay baby on side and roll them onto back, that apparently works too but haven’t tried that.
I find I put shortly after sleep or half asleep gentlle pat and goes sleep