
Experienced some painful cramping today for around 15 minutes, used the restroom and there was a small amt of blood on tp. Cause for concern or normal? I do not have my first prenatal appt until the 16th. First time mom and having anxiety about this! 😖
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My doctor told me if it’s not bright red you are fine. I freaked out and went to emergency. And it was a waste of time and money 🥲

Honestly there is no harm in checking with your nearest medical center, better to waste time and money than to regret getting medical care later…with my first pregnancy I ignored the first blood because people said it was normal and I lost the baby two weeks later. Your blood type may also be important. I’m RH negative and any bleeding for me during pregnancy can be dangerous. I’m pregnant for the second time now and extremely cautious

I got my appt moved to today, should I be expecting a scan?

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