
Hi! I’m not sure if this is allowed but I need help! I am mixed (puerto rican, black, Native American, and Irish) and my husband is a 1 generation ABC. His mom doesn’t like me. My husband said she told him it’s because of my race; she was raised very old school and taught to hate us. I know China is getting to be more accepting but he says that when he goes to visit, everyone he talks to hates black people so it’s how and where she was raised. I’m only saying this because I’m sure people will be asking why she hates me. Lunar New Year is coming up and I want to get her something that could help her warm up to me. I read about red ginseng tea. Can someone help me find the correct one to order? My husband won’t help cause he doesn’t want me to get her anything until she apologizes to me. Picture of my kids (2 year old girl, 7 month old boy) below.
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First off I'm sorry that you have to deal with that from your MIL. My stepdad is from China so I can understand where you are coming from on this. I would consider giving her something that she can't get herself in China that she would appreciate. If you haven't already a couple of nice pictures frames with pictures of your kids would probably be appreciated. Just remember to give in pairs of 2,6, or 8 and never give anything that is a set of 4.

Thank you!

Her not liking you is a her problem not a you problem. Get her something if thats what you really want to do in your heart but not to try and get her to warm up to you because from the sound of things, unless you change your race, she will never like you. there'll never be anything you can buy for her or say that will get her to warm up to you.

@Vee I got that from a bunch of people tbh. I think I just want to get over the drama and I guess I figured a good way to make sure she knows it’s one sided and that I have no issues with her was to do this and show that I accept her son and who he is and I’m not trying to ignore it yk

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