
I’d like to start pumping as well as breast feeding but I’m so unsure of where to start. How many oz of breast milk typically would baby have per feed? My son is 10 weeks today and I have been EBF since birth.
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Wait maybe half an hour after a feed and pump for like 5 mins on each side. You may not get much at the beginning so don't worry Mine is 2 months and he may rake 100ml of expressed milk maybe. But for the first time I just offered whatever I could express and if he wanted more, I gave breast. Just to get him used to the bottle.

I do a mix of expressed and breast and my 2 month old typically has between 4-5oz per feed.

I'm currently expressing once a day to build up a little stash in the freezer. I've been expressing in the mornig from my opposite boob to the one my girl has just fed from using a Momcozy hands free pump. I've found the morning to be more fruitful with supply, gaining between 4-6oz per each 30 min pump on a low setting x

Not sure if your baby sleeps through the night or for a long period at any point of the day but you can do a night pump. Your boobs will fill up the most while you sleep that long stretch so even if you do feed baby on one side during the night, follow that up with a 10/20 min pump session to empty out. If you sleep a long time after that before waking for the day, you can pump again when you wake up and do the same thing. I was exclusively pumping until I got tired of it but still do the night/morning pumps most days so I can empty myself out and slowly build a stash back up. They’re drinking about 4 oz per feed. I have a 9w old. But when you’re breast feeding it takes longer and they’re not chugging 4 oz, that’s why they nurse more frequently. They’re gonna do a bottle faster and be full a bit longer… or just want more lol. Bc your baby is EBF they probably prefer boob lol. Your boobs are in sync with baby so don’t be discouraged if you don’t pump that much.

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