I have the same every now and then since he was 10 weeks (12 now). I mostly breastfeed so I panicked the first time. Now, if my partner is around I give him my LO for 5-10 minutes to reset, otherwise I try to have some skin to skin and after that he eats again. It’s difficult because he gets really fussy with crying loudly, arching back and everything :( You can also try squeezing some milk out before latching on so he gets the taste/smell and calms down a little
I do mainly bottle expressed and maybe 2 feeds a day on the breast. Sometimes he’s so fussy on it but like said above, I squeeze some onto his lip and that usually works. Also as an fyi and apologies if you do this already but with the bottle, don’t increase the teat size (if breastmilk) this will keep the flow similar to feeding from the breast.
It might be that as most of his feeds are bottle he has started to prefer that... I have combi-fed both babies but one bottle at night and they've been fine. You might be able to increase breastfeeding if you want to, probably need to pump to up your supply and breastfeed him more often.