Our daughter is 19 months and doesn’t walk or have any words yet (other than the occasional mama out of context). To be honest, we aren’t overly concerned as she babbles lots - we’ve seen a massive increase in this recently so can tell she’s making progress. Equally, she’s making progress with wanting to walk aided too so know she will get there soon! It can be hard seeing other babies doing things that your child doesn’t do yet, but I just don’t focus on them to be honest! I used to be a teacher so saw every single day just how different children can be and how they excel at different things and learn at hugely different rates
My Daughter started walking on New Years Day, after a long wait and what seemed like every other baby we came across walking long before her! I can relate to how you feel, even though you try not to compare to others or worry about what people say, you do! 😢 All I can say is, hang in there, take it in your stride and in 12 months time you will look back and laugh at yourself for over worrying as your toddler will now running around and talking just like any other child, the first 2 years milestones are brutal! As the other lady said, as long as our little ones are happy and healthy, that’s all that matters 💖
Omg don’t worry! My girl is 30lbs and I’m still carrying her 😂started crawling in November likewise with @Akansha we actually started physio due to her being extremely hyperflexible in all joints (like so flexible it’s gross haha) she started pulling herself up and now as of last two weeks does it all the time. She is a very speedy crawler now! Xx
My little boys been walking since September but he still doesn’t speak
We aren't walking or talking over here too. We self referred to physio, but they have no concerns and also pay for a speech and language therapist monthly, and she is also happy with his progress! I think sometimes we tend to just see it more with younger children when we are waiting for it to happen with our own! It will happen eventually 🫠
My LO walks but does not talk only babbles
My boy just turned 19 months and isn’t walking or talking much. He babbles all day and says the odd word. Favourite being “uhoh” everytime he drops or throws something. He will say Yh and no etc. he has been getting up and walking but he’s so cheeky and I think he knows we want him too and just can’t be arsed 😂x
Thank you ladies, it's just so nice to know that my little one isn't the only one who is learning at their own pace :) my little one has just been accepted by, physio, speech and language, occupational therapy and a paediatrician. 😁
Whoop hope this helps. Honestly physio has really really helped us. Some of the things they show you is so damn obvious but like you don’t know if you don’t know ! 🩷🩷🩷
Our son isn't walking yet. He only started crawling in November after we did some physiotherapy with him. I can understand how it feels to see others kids hit milestones much sooner. I try to stay positive by telling myself that all that matters is that our son is happy and well. These few months won't matter in the long run.