Anyone here dealing with overactive letdown ?

I have been trying to breast feed my baby , but he latches only for few minutes, gulps , sputters . Cries , struggles at my breast makes sounds like he is drowning , pushes the nipple away which is very hard to watch . Then constantly feeds again as he comes of the latch frequently- so I end up feeding him for an hour each session. I have been to the lactation consultant who has ruled out a tongue tie but wasn’t very helpful otherwise . She said that I have an overactive let down and suggested I watch videos on laid back nursing and said “ I should just figure this out and she would feed for hours as well “ . I tried pumping to see how much I’m expressing which is on average 100 ml each breast . I stopped using breast pump as much cause I don’t want to make the oversupply worse . I don’t seem to have a solution to this .
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Have you tried lying on your back to feed so that gravity helps you. Or slouching on a sofa

How did the lactation consultant rule out tongue tie? Is she trained in this area? I would definitely recommend seeing an expert @tonguetiespecialist on Instagram is based in Smeeth in Ashford, she is a health visitor and can give feeding support if it’s not tongue tie, but if it is tongue tie she can release it for a fee

I have a oversupply and huge letdown. So I use the hakka before I feed which reduces the letdown a bit i also lie down and feed counteracting gravity. In all honesty I'm over 12months into this breastfeeding journey and if I don't use the hakka first we still have the same issue and been the same in my other 3 breastfeeding journeys.

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