I ran a half marathon at 14 and 19 weeks and have continued running since - I’m now 32 weeks so starting to slow down a bit but my midwife has said the activity is excellent for baby so keep going as long as you feel able x
I wasn’t TTC but trying to keep my cycle regular while marathon & half marathon training. Make sure to eat enough and take vitamins, that should help support healthy ovulation. Also maybe remove interval runs or sprints down those can be more stressful than steady state running.
I ran a half marathon at 18 weeks pregnant, I started training in Feb, fell pregnant in May and ran Sept. I felt fine with the training, my goal was always just to finish rather than have a competitive time etc as I’m not a runner but I really enjoyed it and thought the training was great. Soon after the race I stopped running for a few weeks for a holiday and lost the fitness quickly but I’ll def run pp as soon as I can!
I didn't do any marathons but I did run consistently in pregnancy up to 32 weeks. I just felt my bump was to big at that point. I'd go for it !
Don’t put it on hold! I did the London marathon this year TTC and it was actually the month I fell pregnant! I think the training helped with my fertility in all honesty! Xx