Hip pain during pregnancy

How do you deal with hip pain. I already have a bad hip but laying on my side for bed hurts both my hips so bad they feel like they are digging into my bed. I keep waking up and flipping over because i can’t stand the pain. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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ive noticed laying flat would help my hip pain when inwas pregnant but it made my heartburn worse

I had bad hip pain lying on my side also. My doc gave me a few suggestions. Use a pillow between your legs, do yoga, or see a specialist. I forget the type of specialist she recommended. However, the pillow definitely helped a bit.

I use my pregnancy pillow to prop me so I’m half on my back half on my hip almost like a wedge. Doing hip stretches on a yoga ball during the day helps a lot too.

Also sometimes I just need to lie on my tummy so I wrap my pregnancy pillow like a big donut and put my bump in the middle and my husband will massage my hips with tennis balls or does counter pressure where I stand and bend at my hips to the bed and he takes his hands at the top of both hips and squeezes them together. It is an AMAZING stretch. (Even when not pregnant I have my husband do this only I will lie on my tummy and he uses his legs while he straddles me lol)

I sleep with a pillow underneath my butt it has really helped support my bump & hips! But I also asked my OB for a PT referral

I had really bad ligament pain in my hips with both pregnancies. What helped was my husband bending me in odd positions to stretch the muscles and ligaments out. The same positions that got you in this mess are good for helping you during it 🤣🤣

@Annie I really wish I had a pregnancy pillow through this pregnancy but I have less than 2 weeks until my baby’s due date so I don’t see the point in a pregnancy at this point but I’ll try to do some more stretching thank u

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