Lansinoh nipple cream saved me!! I applied almost every 30 minutes and the following day I was so relieved, it’s safe for BF too, definitely try it xx
I used the same as mentioned above! Also you can get metal shields which are cold so can relieve a bit too! I had a very similar situation with my first with the over supply. And did see a consultant later down the line to help with positioning. It’s amazing what a small adjustment can do! Definitely try see a consultant if you can. Your local family centre normal has free consultants available!
I used the silver nipple shields in between feeds, these helped loads x
If the latch isn’t good no cream is going to help totally resolve the pain unfortunately. You can ask to see a lactation consultant and they should be able to send someone to see you within a day to support you correcting the latch. I had a horrible time with nipple trauma due to a poor latch and only wish I got the support sooner. In the interim you can take ibuprofen three times a day while BF , silver nipple covers can also help offer some relief. Once the latch is rectified things will improve rapidly for you though ♥️
Lansinoh nipple cream (with lanolin) saved my nipples when I first started nursing. I’m 2 years in and love to use coconut oil. If you haven’t met with a lactation consultant, look into it. Your insurance may cover it/ your OB or pediatrician can give a recommendation. I noticed early on that my baby would kind of bite my nipple if my breast was extremely full so it often helped to hand express or use a hakaa right before feeds to help her latch. Your supply will adjust over the next couple of weeks if you don’t pump
If the latch is poor then unfortunately pain will remain and you won’t get much relief. Work on the latch, nose to nipple, chin to skin and try and get baby to open mouth wide, when wide open, bring to boob quickly. It shouldn’t be painful or uncomfortable for you
Have you tried any nipple creams? And maybe seeing a breastfeed consultant to help with babies latch as that will definitely be a cause of sore nipples