Unhappy, Need friends, venting

So this was me a month ago, we still go out and I get to have my alone time with my hubby. I miss my old body I’m the biggest I’ve ever been and honestly I’m just to tired to exercise people can say I’m lazy but I’m emotionally and physically tired ima a stay at home mom and have both of my babes at home right now. I’m 215 and was 135 when I got pregnant. I also had started this year with friends and within a month my two best friends I thought were family one my daughters godmother, both told me I am not in the same spiritual walk and they would be distancing themselves and proceeded to ghost me,….. so miss friends to hang with 😢😢😢
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Feel free to message if you still need to talk I am all the way in California, but I can be your online mom friend. You do not have to feel alone, this app really can help

If those friends ditched you for being big or not having the same lifestyle as you then good grief they weren’t true friends in the first place and you’re probably better off. My bestie is an oversized gal. But she doesn’t have a problem w her size she’s a huge foodie and has no plans to diet or lose weight since I met her 3yrs ago and for that, I’m happy for her- we have a great time when we’re together. Hope you find new friends 🙃

@Kellie thank you so much for you encouraging words

@Alisha thank you for that

Message me if you’d like. I’m in Utah, but don’t have many friends either. I’m always looking for other mamas to talk to, and it seems like we may be going through some of the same things. I’m also the biggest I’ve ever been, and struggling with it.

Energy gives energy. If you start working out, you will naturally get more energy. It’ll be tough at first. But it’ll be worth it. More for me, it helps from a mental health point xx

Hiii. I’ll be friends 🩵

Girl! You are beautiful and so are your babies! Don't give anyone the permission to make you feel otherwise!

I feel you girl, it's a lonely world being home with 2 babies. Also... I have a forearm arrow tattoo, too 🤩

@Steffani I have some on my right arm too😅

Having kids makes you realise who your real friends are and people who distance themselves from you because you are now a mum and aren’t the same person you once were, they are not real friends. Being a mummy is one of the most important jobs you will ever do, they are your life, of course you’ve changed… if they can’t be there for you through this time of your life then unfortunately they aren’t worth it anyway. I hope you can find some new mum friends who you have things in common with, friends can be like therapy, but they destroy your spirit if they aren’t real friends, don’t let that happen xx This time in your life will pass quicker than you think x

@Gaynor thank you so much for you kind words. What’s sad is one of them was a mom we went through two pregnancies together

hiii, i’d be your friend🩷my sc is marniejamesx

Hope your okay by the way you look amazing and I feel the same and I have lost 2 friends since last year who I treated as family I think when you have children you grow and change for better and some people don't get that xxx

Hey I’m trying to loose weight too maybe we can motivate each other

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I'm in North Carolina. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to send me a message. I'm trying to lose some weight myself. Maybe we can encourage each other!

I think you're gorgeous.. but I do understand when we feel like we want to look our old way.. I was just feeling this way with my body.. I found buying a treadmill kinda works for me.. I also looked up walking challenges.. and kinda sticking to it 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️..

I think you’re really pretty and you look good. The so called friends are not true ones as they would stick by you no matter what. You have your babies and your hubby so you are rich in that aspect. But I understand feeling lonely as I too feel the same. Is there any local play groups you can go to?? Also with regard to exercise I bloody hate it too I’m tired I don’t have the time I don’t eat right I love eating crappy food but I do try to do a big daily walk and just get my steps in some way or another.. perhaps try that first small steps sweetie you got this girl xx

My inbox is always open. Having kids is a beautiful thing n it exposes a lot of people you thought were friends for real

Are you wanting a group of friends or one on one? I have a group chat you can join if interested

@Samantha thanks so much for the kind words your gorgeous! And since the ne shear I’ve been on my diet I had a cheat day yesterday but other than that I’ve been sticking to it. I walk a few times around my neighborhood with my kids in the wagon. But that’s the most I do, I’m looking into a treadmill

@Emarni I’m not the best at adding people, unless it’s quick add lol. Sending mines maybe you can try to add me: Lexiie.necole

@Rebecca thanks for the kind words and yes would love to chat sometime

@Leta most definitely can

@Amanda thanks will definitely chat soon. Im all for encouraging others

@Mickey thank you so are you, and yes I m thinking of getting one also, I do little laps around my neighborhood with my kids in a wagon

@Jennia thanks so much we’ll definitely chat soon

@Bones I like more one on one like these little chats are fine but idk about a group message.

@Alexus hey Alexus I’m glad you have been managing to get out I know it’s hard with kiddies in tow. Don’t be to hard on yourself darling.. after all we are our own worst critics! Also time spent outside is so good for mental health! I hope you find some good friends you deserve them xx

@Alexus it sounds to me like you are grieving the old version of you the person who is not a mother. Be kind to yourself. It took time to make the baby. It will also take time to get back into shape. If that is your desire, you are a powerful being and can achieve anything you set your mind to.

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Hi.. u r really gorgeous.. don’t stressed out.. it takes time

Message me❣️

Hey how are u

I’m all the way in the UK. But feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to ❤️

Same. But I am so tired and so sleep deprived and so aware that I cant sleep unconsciously without worrying about the baby that I can’t have a good sleep at all. So I am so tired that I cant even walk few steps forget about dieting and exercise plus I get so hungry all the time even though I do not breast feed. I just gave up because I am just torturing myself at this point. I need to chill and give myself a break and then maybe come back in few months when she is walking and then we can walk together and by then it’s not gona too cold either

@Jessica sent you message I'm in UK too in Stevenage

I can easily relate to your feeling . I do exercise and controlled my weight after 2 years of pp . But lost all my friends after baby . I had 3 baby showers by different set of friends , I had many friends but now hardly talk to someone . No one invites me or plan any holiday with us . They wish birthday to my son when I post pics on insta. I say myself that they were friend when I was available for them always . Now I have different path than them . Just focus on yourself , you are your own friend .

@Priyanka I’m sorry it’s a a horrible thing

@Alexus I know but I have no control on people . They are either single or have partner but not kids . I am trying to make new friends who are mother but it’s very difficult to make new friends.

you are beautiful! I know how hard it can be as a SAHM, but things will get better in due time. if you need a friend, message me! ♥️ praying for you! 🙏🏼

Not sure if u find it annoying being called pretty when u don’t feel u best but it’s true lol!❣️🫶🏼😗I can definitely relate 2 wanting old me bck! Sometimes I’ll go through old pics & I just seemed less stressed & more put together😭Now I’m hyper vigilant,would k!ll 4 my little one & barely have energy 4 MU💄LMFAOO ofcc we’re not gonna b the same! We didn’t have as many responsibilities! So have grace 4 urself. Motherhood comes w a lot. B grateful that ur trash took itself out! Soon as ppl found out I was prego & after I gave birth so many ppl including my in-laws betrayed me,sent so much negativity my way,started so much drama & that brought me & my partner so much stress. It put me in a dark place. I will never forgive them 4 almost making me lose my sht & making me feel the way I did. That sht changes u! But think abt why that is! If you have something that someone else wants,they will do things 2 distract u from ur purpose & blessings & make u feel like sht. Don’t let them do that 2 u!

Jealousy is real! Some ppl just don’t like 2 see u shine.✨Ur aura,spirit,vibe,energy & who u are as a whole will intimidate some ppl so they’ll do sht 2 bring u down & by you giving up on yourself,you’re letting those evil ppl & bad spirits win. Do not let them win. Boss up again! Ik it’s easier said than done but take baby steps each day girl! It’s a new yr! Every day u wake up,u have the opportunity 2 take a chance on urself! Ppl will give up on u & disappoint u but make sure ur not also doing those things 2 urself! Make those changes,work on urself & do something that makes u happy. Every day do 1thing that will lead 2 progress! I do intermittent fasting & I follow dance exercises on youtube(makeitfun)& every other whole month/week,I’ll cut out sugar/sweets. Just make sure if ur gonna eat fast food,that it’s not 2 much & that ur not also eating sweets. Pick one or the other! & I drink hella water! Good luck! U got this! Don’t let no btch take u out ur glow!🤞🏼U’ll b fine!🫶🏼

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