You might just be overwhelmed without any help
I think so. Maybe “depression” isn’t the right word, but I definitely feel suffocated
Maybe ask him to help you with the baby for a few hours on his days off and get out of the house for a bit. The routine can become overwhelming at times I know I feel like that on certain days. Since I’m with my baby everyday I started to go grab a coffee just to breath
I’ve heard around the end up “fourth trimester” is the hardest. right around the 3-4th month is when it can creep up on you. You’ve got this mama. Don’t be scared to ask for help
It’s not too late as postpartum depression can occur at any point post childbirth up to a year and last a while.. I can relate as my partner has the same schedule. So it’s just me and my wonderful son most of the’s tough but I make a point to do things to keep my mental health in a good place. Finding time to do this is key for you being a good mom, don’t feel bad you got this mama!
Maybe it's just a rough time, not depression?