Oh Love, you and your family are in my prayers. I personally haven’t been through my child facing this, but I have been through my stepsons biological mother doing things with him that I personally oppose (I am a Biblically centered Christian and she is a Native American practicing their cultural customs and Wiccan (if that’s still her current preferred title)) AND I am in a home with a husband who has only recently come to acknowledge God, but is not Biblically or Christ oriented, so we OFTEN have run into problems with two of his friends (one of whom I love dearly) being transgender. I’m around if you wanna
@Janis I’m going to be seeing a therapist on Monday who has a Christian foundation. I’m trying to work on my relationship with the kids because I’ve had a wall built up for years now. As for being honest, I feel like I can’t. My husband asks that I just go along with it as not to hurt his relationship with his kids and I want to respect that. I tend to avoid pronouns all together if I’m able to and I don’t use them when she’s not around. As for talking to her about what I really believe is going on, I don’t have that kind of relationship with her to where I can be honest and she will take it well…Unfortunately everyone else in her life goes along with it and I feel like if I’m the only person to push back it will only bring hatred my way 😥 she’s 18 and a senior in high school and my husband doesn’t want her to not come around because I don’t go along with what’s going on.
@Bethany I’ve actually listened to this one before.
My heart goes out to you. If she’s been on T for years, and had a mastectomy…sounds like there isn’t much you can do until she hits her rock bottom.
@Tatiana I fear this every day 💔
I am sorry for this difficult situation. I am experiencing something similar with my stepdaughter too. She identifies as non-binary/gender neutral amongst other things that I’ve never really heard of. Her mother fully supports her and her father (my husband) is against it but has realized that the more he tries to do anything about it (even gently) she just rebels even more with her identity. ((Hugs)) I encourage you to pray, find support, and continue to love her regardless. Some young people make these drastic choices and then later in their life come to fully regret their decision. I pray that she finds her TRUE identity in Christ 🙏
I would try to find a Christian psychologist or therapist to help with the family dynamics. I certainly would never lie. I would be gentle and loving in what my convictions are and have a conversation about what I think is actually happening, but that I still love that child regardless, however they cannot force a perspective on me that does not conform to reality. We did that with my step daughter who insisted she was pansexual at 15. We never got angry with her, or shamed her, but just stuck to our guns about our beliefs and what the rules for our house were that we did not support LGBT pride items in our home and that we are not okay with the discussion around her much younger siblings which she was understanding of. We’ve had many talks over the years and she has grown closer to God and said while she still struggles with belief she no longer hates God and has even tried to find her own way to a relationship or understanding.