Dealing with a narcissist is literally a test of one’s faith! How many of you have had to deal with a narcissistic partner and what did you learn about yourself? PART 1

I met my partner at an event (dedicated towards mental health) we both were guest speakers.. Around that time I had recently given my life back to Christ, was on my healing journey from all the trauma I had experienced since childhood all the way to my 20s, and was not looking for any relationships. My eldest daughter was 8yo at the time. The following day, we spoke on the phone, almost the entire day gettting to know each other and your girl was in the clouds. Did I just get lucky.. Wait! No! Did God just bless me, finally answered my prayers? I should have known better because my healing journey had just started and things were just beginning to turn around for me. Within three months of us meeting I had been love bombed, engaged on my birthday and pregnant with my second baby girl. I literally prayed for all of it though but NOPE, that wasn't God sending me anything, just the devil hearing one of my prayers and sending his demon disguised as an angel of light. For someone who have gone through multiple traumas, I always wondered why my luck always ran out whenever good things happened to me, why each of my relationships had the same patterns. Being abused in all manner yet still loving so easily. This last relationship seemed to be the test of all time. I went through the love bombing, devaluation and discarding stages so rapidly it sent me into flight mode, seeking God so aggressively, it transformed my whole life in the best way. Imagine being 9 months pregnant, living with your kids and having your partner not only marry someone else but bring them in to live under the same roof under false pretense that this person was an old friend who was there for him while he was homeless and so he was only returning the favor until she got herself together. As an empath and having personal experience of being homeless myself in the past, even though my sixth sense, discernment and female intuition kicked in that this would not end well.. how could I say no.. oh the pain, added trauma, prepartum (if there’s ever a thing) and postpartum I endured for those long excruciating 7 months before the Lord rescued me! but I know now that I was only being prepared for a divine calling to fulfill a greater purpose. If I can be so bold to say, God allowed this by choice and not chance because he knew that through it, I would be strengthened, reveal my light and dismantle the traps of manipulation and darkness. The narcissist with their mask of power and control emerges as a reflection of everything I needed to overcome; fear, emotional dependency and self doubt. Though I wished I could’ve skipped this experience, I am in love with my little blessing, my bundle of joy.. I’m continuously healing/renewing, (mind, body, soul) learning and growing. It has not only transformed my life, but impacted my spiritual outlook in ways I couldn’t have imagined without this test! I am a living example that it is possible to overcome such adversities because those who trust in God will never be defeated. One of the challenges faced is being able to forgive. It is an act of personal liberation that allows the chosen one to move forward without carrying the weight of the other’s action. This act of forgiveness produces faith and obedience to God, who instructs his children to surrender their pains to him, trusting that justice would be served, at the right time. What I’ve learned.. recognizing my own worth and identity as a child of God. I am able to walk again with confidence and purpose, knowing that nothing and no one can extinguish that. Emerging with new spiritual and emotional strength; with humility as my basis. To my beautiful Queens who may be dealing with toxic/narcissistic partners or had in the past- yes it takes courage, persistent prayers, surrendering everything to Christ Jesus, healthy boundaries, compassion but standing firm, forgiveness. Know that as long as there is faith, light will always prevail over darkness! ~ The Adelaide Reign Hope Foundation ~ (named after both my babies) was created in honor for women who are survivors of narcissism. God is good ALL the time! Jeremiah 29:11❤️🙏🏾✨
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I’m so happy that you found light after darkness 💜. I had experiences with true narcissists and those displaying narcissistic tendencies. There are men (and women) out there that want nothing but to control and keep people. I’m so happy you escaped! I am not Christian but love the true teachings of Jesus Christ

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