Boobie Baby

So, I breastfeed and also bottle feed . Sometimes my baby boy wants something to suck on and I have tried to give him a pacifier and he doesn’t want it but he will take my boob . Even if he’s not hungry . My mom says it’s the skin to skin . How are other moms dealing with a baby who isn’t on a pacifier ? Iv also tried teething toys . It’s still a hard no for him 😅 . He’s 2.5 months old and only uses my boob and a bottle . Ouh he also sucks on his hands 🤣 . A lot . Any advice ?
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Have you tried multiple different pacifiers. Sometimes we had to try multiple different ones to help

My son was/is the same way. He’s almost 7 weeks old. We randomly tried a Different binkie this last week and he surprisingly took it! It’s the JollyPop brand off Amazon. Maybe give that a try, if you haven’t. Up until then it was a hard no on anything but boob and bottle for him too. He’s starting to find his thumb so I’m gunna be super relieved when he finally figures it out and can self soothe a little better ☺️

@Gabrielle yes we have tried Phillips and Dr. Brown’s z he uses the Dr.Brown bottles so I thought he would have like their pacifiers

Maybe try bibs pacifiers. We like those. And they look more like boobs to me. Sometimes it’s also just about trying more. Like when they want something to soothe them then put the pacifier in and help hold it in until they learn.

@Nicole I will look into that ! Yes my son also uses his hand which worries me because of germs 🤣 but thats the only other thing that gives me a break 😅

It’s normal for them to use their hands. Thumb or hand it’s normal and developmentally appropriate. Use wipes to help clean them off. But getting some sort of germs also helps with their systems

My daughter is EBF and only gets a bottle if it's time for her to eat and I'm not with her, which is rare since I haven't gone back to work yet (go back next week). She'll be 4 months in a week, and my husband especially and I have always been against using a pacifier from the beginning. When she was 5-8 weeks or so, she went through a super fussy period and just needed to suck on something, and I'd soothe her with the boob. But once she hit 2 months, she found her thumb and now uses her thumb (or other fingers/ her hand) to soothe herself. So you may need to endure being a human pacifier for a while (which is what our bodies were designed for) until he starts figuring out his hands.

@EmilyAnne, I think you posted this as I was writing in my comment. Babies exploring their hands, especially when they start reaching 3 months, is completely developmentally normal. If the areas your baby is in is clean and you wipe their hands no need to worry about germs. Plus, if you're breastfeeding, then your body is already making the antibodies your baby needs based on your and his surroundings.

Nano baby flexi paci

@Alyssa I guess im just paranoid about it 😅 . Hes not fussy all the time . I just feel like sometimes hes over feed because hes been spitting up more lately ..

@EmilyAnne yeah, i get that. My daughter sometimes tries to overfeed, and I just have to pull her off or keep her upright for awhile. But also spitting up is still fairly normal being their digestive system is still developing. I saw an Instagram post recently of a lady showing the difference between 10ml, 20ml and 30ml of spit up which aren't very high volumes at all but when spilled on the floor looked like a lot, basically to show that what looks like a lot of spit up is really not that much.

We bought a timer tippee variety pack of pacifiers and he took one of them finally. But he refused them for 8 weeks haha.

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