My boy is 10 weeks & weighs 10lb 5! He has 5oz every 3 hours.
My girl is 11 weeks almost 12 and is on 6oz every 3-4 hours
My girl is 7 weeks old weights 10lb11 and have 4-5oz every 4 hours x
10weeks old, 11lb 7, he has 5oz every 3-4hrs x
The recommended amount is 150-200ml per KG of weight so at 9lb intake should be between 600-800 mls ish per 24 hours. Looks like on what you're saying shes having 540-630 per day so you may want to up it just very slightly xx
My little boy is 11 weeks old, he is about 17lb-18lb (not weighted him recently but was 16lb 2 weeks ago). He has 7oz bottles every 4 hours and sleeps through the night (5 bottles a day).
I think I’ve discovered she doesn’t like being burped and this is what makes her throw up because she cries. I’ve tried not burping her and waiting until the end we have no tears and no throwing up! Going to try her on 4 ounce every 4 hours and see how she goes. thank you ladies xx
My boy is 11 weeks today.. weighs 10lb8 and has 5ozs every 4 hours