Depression vent
I feel like maybe I shouldn’t be a mom anymore. I feel like whatever I do is wrong. This pregnancy has been a rollercoaster and is just making me feel like maybe this is not for me. Then I have to deal with other ppl like my kid’s other dad constantly fighting me over custody issues. It’s just a lot sometimes. Everyone says I’m a good mom to my other kid and that I’m doing my best with whatever situation I’m in. But I just can’t help but feel like it’s never enough and that this isn’t meant for me. I had postpartum depression with my first and I feel like I’m already having it while pregnant. I feel so alone sometimes without much help. I don’t even have many friends that I can talk to. My husband can’t do a whole lot to help me feel better since he’s deployed. I’m just venting I guess.
It's going to be okay. You just sound a little overwhelmed. Try and take each day a few minutes at a time