There is also a website spinning babies
@Ciren wow! How did you do that on your own?
@Ciren yes! I have been doing the inversions multiple times a day ☺️
lol I did exactly what you’re doing, I turned upside down, but if you mean as far as feeling for the baby and turning it. I looked up a bunch of videos on how painful it would be for the baby to be turned by the doctor so I literally just did it by myself.
Found out mine breech @ 38 weeks. Tried the ecv & it was not successful. Had to have C-section. Baby boy super healthy.
I had a successful version at 37 weeks with no epidural! It only took around 1 minute for my doctor plus another doctor to gently flip my little girl so she was head down. I didn’t experience any pain, I was just a tiny bit sore the next day. They had me stay at the hospital for an hour afterwards so they could monitor me and baby to make sure we were not in distress, and then we got to go home. I delivered her two weeks later without a c-section! ❤️
@Renee congrats, mama! Thanks for sharing!
@Nicole great to hear! So happy you experienced success and that it wasn’t too painful at all! Congrats on your little one!
My first born flipped on his own within the week, this pregnancy baby has been head down and actually stuck in my pelvis for the last month so she couldn’t flip even if she wanted to!🤣
Yes ! My next appointment would have been scheduling my C-section but instead as soon as I got home, I turned upside down. Me and my fiancé felt around and we literally moved the baby ourselves. Also, if you take your phone, flashlight and put it down near your lady part the baby will turn Towards the light.