Nipple confusion!??
My baby is 10 weeks old exclusively breastfed, I’ve tried to give her a dummy on a three different occasions now and every time after she’s had it for a couple mins the next time we feed it’s like she doesn’t latch as strong and comes on and off my boob. I think her having one would be so helpful and she does like it but I’m too worried to carry on incase she forgets how to fed properly!? I see so many baby’s having dummy’s and bottles as well as breast feeding but I don’t think my little girl could do that😫
They don’t have to work as hard to keep sucking on a dummy compared to breast so that’s completely understandable. Mines breastfed and has a dummy and for the first 2 weeks it was a little struggle in him telling the two apart. It’s up to you wether you push forward with it but we did find 2 weeks of struggling with latching while introducing one