Breastfed babies with a good latch don't need the same level of burping as bottle fed, the amount of air they intake is just less. I also never burped my babies at night either. I laid down and side lying fed them in my bed then transferred them back to cot. Until they got a little more predictable I used to tandem feed in the day and just feed on demand at night x
My babies had tongue tie and terrible latches whilst we were working on improving things and had terrible wind and colic. I would feed in bed using my twingo pillow rather than peanut and piglet which was too cumbersome. Once they were done, I'd wiggle them off the pillow and sit cross legged with one over each thigh facing outwards and rub their backs. This was also a good position for getting out any bottom wind that would wake them up.
Mine had good latches but 1 needed a lot of burping and had terrible reflux for 6 months. I only fed them at the same time at night. One would go back to sleep straight away so gave him a minimal burp over my shoulder while the other was on the feeding pillow still. Then put him back on the bed (asleep) and picked up his gassy brother. He needed upright burping over my shoulder and then some leg pumping which I'd do in his cot. He sometimes needed a rub to go back to sleep. Once he was sorted, I'd return to the sleeping baby on the bed and put him in his cot. You'll work out who needs what in time and just respond. They might end up needing minimal burping / none at all.
I just burped them one at a time x
I never burped my babies at night , I fed them upright in the v shape hold, and then snuggles them I'm close but did need to get my husband to remove one for me to put them down I do actually find it easier to feed them separately at night , as they get bigger sometimes the let down can be a bit much if they are both on you ! Xx