Breastfeeding & work

I’m going back to work part time soon and my little one will have to go roughly 6 hours without boob. She’s pretty much been ebf but did have the odd bottle when she was a few months old. She will be 13 months when I go back (she was prem though so corrected she’ll be 11 months) At the moment I feed her on demand, we bed share and she nurses whenever she likes throughout the night then I try and give her a big feed when we wake up. She has 3 meals a day plus snacks & water so I’m guessing she will be fine to wait 6 hours for milk? She just has never had to before! Not sure if I need to pump so her dad can give her milk whilst I’m away or whether there’s not much point?
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Hey! My 13 month old is still EBF and I’ve been back at work about 6 weeks now! I have a Friday off, so of a weekend I still let him feed on demand, no issue. I pump once at work and usually produce between 3-5 ounces and whatever I have goes to childcare with him the next day, so he’s pretty much just having one bottle of expressed without me. As soon as we are home he has a massive feed, like he’s catching up/reconnecting x

Honestly I was stressing so much. My little girl is EBF- wouldn’t take a bottle. She goes to nursery 9 hours, no milk, and just feeds before and after! She’s 13 months now and loves nursery and we have a routine where we have boob in the car and a cuddle straight after xxx

My LG 15 months started nursery a couple weeks ago and I I don’t pump She just eat and drinks cow milk at the nursery I give her. A big feed in the morning .. At this age is more about comfort than the actual milk. So I wouldn’t worry ( which I did a lot my self )

Lucy Webber does a workshop on this. Think it’s not too dear, £25 if I remember correct

I was very stressed about returning to work. My little girl was 10 months old and EBF. She would scream if I ever so much as showed her a bottle. I must have bought about 8 different brands - I even own a bottle that looks a lot like an actual boob! I drop her off at 8am and pick up isn't until 5:30pm. The first few weeks she went 8 hours with no milk as she would not drink what I pumped from a bottle. Then one day I picked her up and the staff said she had drank 2 bottles of milk. Since that day she never looked back. She is only in 3 days a week so we still nurse on demand when I'm with her. She's now 14 months old and has 2 bottles at nursery of pumped milk plus a couple of feeds at home. Also 3 meals plus snacks a day - she's a beast 🤣 They adjust really well to you not being there. I honestly couldn't sleep leading up to returning to the office. If you can pump I would do it. Breast milk boosts their immune system - which is a big plus if your little one is starting nursery 😊

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