What to pack for an induction?

I've had my hospital bags packed for weeks now but it's looking very likely that I'll end up being induced on Thursday as little man's made himself a little too comfy in there. Originally I'd packed enough for both of us for 2 days but I could potentially be in there for a couple of days before he even arrives, maybe even longer. How much extra should I pack? Also is there anything else I should include? I'm taking my switch with me for entertainment and will have my phone and headphones too, and will probably take an extra pillow now just in case. Would rather be prepared in case I can't get anyone to drop anything else off for me😂
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I got induced and was in hospital for 4 days I would take snacks and comfortable clothes xx

i was in for 3 days w my baby and i stayed in the same outfit probs changed it once ahah, really don’t overthink it just take more outfits for baby and entertainment don’t forget a charger for yur phone x

Following! I’m expected to be induced and have no clue what to pack😂

@Tierney oh my gosh I didn't even think about snacks, I'll be ravenous🤦🏼‍♀️ thank you!!

@Abi I am fully overthinking it😂 I'm such a planner and I hate not knowing how long I'll be in there for😂

Phone charger with a long cable, snacks, comfy clothes, slippers/comfy shoes, big knickers

@Katie my waters went and was due induction at 28 weeks october 14th she came october 10th x

Water bottle, Lucazade/ fizzy drinks

@Katie snacks, drinks, lucazade, slip on shoes, comfy pjs, comfy clothes, toothbrush , toothpaste, towel for shower, plenty of pads and underwear

just drinks and snacks and a handheld fan, i dont think i changed my outfit or showered or anything during labour cos i was on the drip and it was too much faff 🤣 x

Fluffy warm socks in case you have to go to c section after induction. I can't believe how cold my legs and feet felt after that when the drugs were wearing off.

Plenty of clothes/pjs for you. My waters broke in one pair and I was sick all over another 😂 All the snacks A pillow/blanket for your partner Something to entertain you, induction can be long! Hope all goes well x

Honestly, I over packed and struggled to get to all the bags after birth. How far are you from the hospital? I live roughly 15mins away, and I came home everyday until my waters were manually broken. I was booked in and had the balloon inserted on Friday afternoon. Saturday afternoon, I went home for some food and a shower. Balloon fell out while at home. Returned to the hospital and had to wait till the next day (Sunday) to have my waters broken. Sunday morning, I went home again, spent time with my family, ate, showered, rested and received a call from the hospital to say a room was available for my induction. I made my way and straight away started my induction. After the birth, I spent one day in hospital. If I had to do it again, I’d pack 3 sets of pyjamas, assuming, I’m not leaving the hospital to spend any time at home. 3 sleepsuits for baby, a couple hats and mitts. Snacks and a Stanley cup to keep water cold because it’s hot in those wards. Good luck mama.

I got induced and only stayed 2 nights. I wouldn’t take any extra things to the hospital, but I’d pack a second bag with pjs/ comfy clothes, underwear, extra towel and snacks that you could leave in the car.

I was in for 5 days with induction, I’d pack lots of nightys as the ward can get quite hot! X

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