Yup it happened to me when I had my 2 yo but now since I was pregnant with the twins I really don’t want to have sex at all, like just him touching me aggravates me. I don’t even feel attracted anymore.
@Jo this was beautifully put into words, thank you so much 🩷
It happens to the best of us! I'll be honest, I may do the occasional pity sex but Ive got no interest at all. I just feel touched out all the time and not at all in the mood for him.
Get some rest you're not broken you have nesting hormones that even can make you dry down there but also you're exhausted like the most tired and vitamin depleted you will ever be in your life so eat very nutritious foods to get you calcium omegas and iron back and sleep as much as you can that's the only way you'll get your drive back I'll remind you um you almost died that's what making a child is a person really can't go through much more without kicking the bucket you're not selfish you are healing but if you must have sex use lube post partum bits are dry as the desert for like almost a year after don't rush yourself you'll regret it