Thank you this means a lot ❤️ I have tried that too and she still just sticks her tounge out to push it out of her mouth. Hopefully if we keep trying it eventually works
You could try using nipple shields whilst breastfeeding so she gets used to a teat and then try weaning her over to the bottle?
I breastfed my first baby and I can tell you it gets easier. I remember by the time she was 8 months we were doing only 4 feeds per day (maybe it was earlier than 8 months but cannot remember 🤣) It is a phase, it will pass. Mine also refused the bottle and I feel it gets easier at 6 months when they start weaning. It's hard to adapt but I get it yiu cannot leave without then for maybe 6 months. It may seem like a lot now. Sorry I cannot be more helpful . I think this is the harsh reality of breastfeeding that noone tells you. Happy for you to DM me if you want to chat/vent.
A good bit of advice I read is "don't quit on a bad day". I had a really horrible start to breastfeeding and remember in the middle of the night in so much pain with feeds thinking I wanted to stop, but the advice above was in my head. So carried on and gave myself a sort of deadline, that if I still wanted to stop BF in a weeks time, then maybe that was the right choice. I didn't stop, things improved and I'm still going 6 weeks later. I would be sad if I had given up that night. Wait for a better day, and then ask yourself the question again. It might be that the answer is still the same, and you stop breast feeding, and that is absolutely valid. Your mental health is important, and fed is always best. But I think "don't quit on a bad day" is helpful to make sure you don't regret your decision.
Also to add in case its helpful, I know it feels it sometimes but it's really unlikely that your breasts are empty. At this point your milk supply is probably starting to settle, and this can lead to the boobs suddenly feeling more soft, rather than the early days when the boobs get more engorged and hard with milk. My baby has been a right pain at the breast today. She's cluster feeding, so keeps on feeding and feeding, coming off the latch, and she uses feeds to help her 💩. My boobs have felt very soft and empty, but when I've checked by hand expressing there is still plenty of milk there. I also meant to say, I've met with a lactation specialist three times now to help with latch issues and it was invaluable support. (Though I recognise the financial privilege I have to access this). There are also really helpful and free lactation support hubs around the place. They would also help with bottle transition if thags what you decide to do. You could maybe ask your health visitor if they know of anything?
Hi I’m in a similar situation. EBF every 2 hours. We are currently trying different bottles with expressed formula but so far no luck with him accepting it. I’m exhausted and don’t get a break. Hoping it gets easier. Just want you to know you are not alone xx
Same situation! She hates the bottle. Wont take it at all. But has also become really fussy and annoying at feeds recently wriggling round, going on and off, punching and scratching my boobs. Hoping it’s a development leap that will settle back down!!
Have you tried to give her a little bit of breast just to sate her appetite and then try the bottle? That worked to get my wee one taking a bottle and now I give him one bottle most days to keep him used to it. I just want to say too that I see you mama, breast feeding is so so tough and it feels so isolating and lonely. I’ve struggled at times too and found myself sat in tears alone in the middle of the night. I’m sorry it’s so hard and I hope things get easier but I just wanted to help you feel heard ♥️