We took it about 30min-1hr before having sex and also used pressed about 15 min before sex. We both took it for 9 days over the fertile window. I have a calendar schedule if you’re interested!
@MaryKate Thanks for sharing🤍 This is helpful! When you say “we both took it,” do you mean your partner as well? I’d never heard of having partners take Mucinex while TTC? Did it help?
@Kato yeah we both took it! His sperm count was on the lower end of average so we decided to boost our chances and we both took it. We got pregnant the first time we tried it. We are trying for #2 in September and I think we’ll follow the same schedule we did last time and see how much of a factor the mucinex is!
I read it goes to work within 30m-1hr so I just took it an hour before and then repeated almost every day during my fertile window.