Wait till 6 weeks to pump that's roughly when your supply regulate and you won't accidently make yourself an massive over supplier
My pediatrician actually told me I can start and to pump before she eats. My baby started cloister feeding right out the womb she’s actually more regulated
Do not start pumping yet, baby is going to be cluster feeding like crazy. I’d start by which ever side baby is not latched on, have the Hakka on the other side to catch let down. Also are you planning on going back to work soon so pumping is necessary, or do you have the ability to stay home and nurse on demand for a bit? Because if it’s the latter feed your baby, not your freezer. However; if you need to pump out of necessity ready for work, I would pump ten minutes after feeding baby and no more than 15 minutes. Do you have any reading about how much breast milk babies need?