Divorce in Florida

Hi all. I desperately want to divorce my husband and sooner rather than later. I have no job, no car, no saved funds, no friends or family in the state or anywhere nearby. We have one toddler about to turn 2. We share a car but he takes it 7 days a week (5 days for work, the weekends to spend all day hunting). He told me I’m not allowed to get a job during hunting season because he doesn’t want it to interfere with his hunting time. I’m pretty much confined to this apartment 24/7. How can I get a divorce if I have nowhere to go, money, or even a vehicle? I’ve been applying to jobs anyways hoping to at least start working once hunting season ends in march, but after applying to sooo many, I haven’t even gotten a call for one interview. Nothing. I’ve applied to restaurants, gas stations, Walmart, target, everywhere I can think of. I’m not sure what to do. Am I trapped in this relationship forever?
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My job is hiring and it's remote, wfh try applying and see if you can get an interview. Outcomes.com apply for the call center agent i believe is the title.

Oh girl! This is a tough situation. Has he made it so you can’t have your own car or job or money on purpose? Because it’s definitely something controlling people do to isolate you from resources and friends and family. Can you reach out to your family out of state and stay with them? What about his mother or family? Is this something that family therapy could at least help with, whether it’s to mend the relationship OR to separate peacefully? Even a local church leader or member of the church offer family counseling? Would you be interested in watching peoples kids while you watch your own? That’s usually a job you can do from home and get paid. Be patient, keep an eye out, and definitely reach out to your network of friends and family, even his family. But this is definitely a hard talk that has to happen between you and him, somethings got to give and you need your own life whether you stay together or not! I’m so sorry!

No you’ll make it out, but take the car??? Not understanding why you would even listen to him if you want to divorce him take the car, print out some resumes at your local library and go in to each establishment you applied for and introduce yourself to a hiring manager or manager and hand them a resume tell them your name and that you want to work there. I always land a job that same day doing this

I’ve got a baby so I’ve been doing uber eats

If you have any money at all I would recommend looking into getting a class D security license you can do it online and start working night shifts a lot of places are currently hiring at least in south Florida. That way you can use the car at night and it not interfere with him using it

Also even if it feels like you can’t physically do anything rn about your situation you can start taking care of your mental health right now and processing this toxic relationship so that you have a smoother emotional exit, it sounds like he is a narcissist and your experiencing narcissistic abuse


I'm so sorry you're in this position. I would definitely contact your local womes shelter and try to get connected to a social worker to ask about resources. Praying for you!

Well unfortunately to file for divorce it’s pretty pricey at least $250 plus to get your divorced filed through the courts I would apply for cash assistance through Medicaid go through the application and say you are a single mom in the process of divorcing your husband and they can assist you with health care and food stamps and paying utilities as well as helping with getting a job and locating a daycare if that is what you want, I would apply and give them a call since it can be a little bit of a different process depending on the state you live at let me know if you have any questions I’m happy to help and god bless.

Does hunting make yall money? If not it’s not necessary and probably is an added expense. Tell him he needs to watch his kid on the weekend while you go make money he’s not your dictator

No. You’re not trapped in this relationship. Nor should you have to put up with it anymore. I would start by calling SPARCC or someone in with the domestics. You might not need to have domestics involved, but they can help you get to the necessary resources and steps about how to proceed. Might even be able to help you find a pro-bono attorney. You got this. Stay strong.

Feel free to message me too. You’ll be okay. It might be hard but you can do it. I did it. You can too.

You can try calling 211 and explain your situation and maybe they can help with directing you to the right organizations that might be able to help you with your situation

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